Coralmania is a massive coral outplant event, celebrated internationally. By restoring corals, the aim is to contribute to the conservation, restoration of biodiversity and coastal protection. On 2021, the event took place in Honduras, Dominican Republic and Costa Rica, lead by the German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ).

On December 3rd and 4th, 2021, we celebrated Coralmania in Golfo Dulce. With the support of 35 volunteers, we outplanted 285 Pocillopora spp. corals on three spots of the reef. Here are some pictures of the event:

We hope we can celebrate Coralmania again on 2022, so stay tuned to find out more details!

To find out more about Coralmania, please visit:


Agradecimiento Coralmania Golfo Dulce 2021

¡Desde Raising Coral Costa Rica, agradecemos a todas las organizaciones, empresas e instituciones que colaboraron para organizar este evento! En especial agradecemos a Fundecooperación por su apoyo a través del programa Adapta2+ y su fondo Adaptation Fund.