Be part of the human-coral symbiosis.
Your contribution brings resilient corals back to the reefs.

Here are some ways how you can support our organization financially.
Please contact us if you have any questions, we will be happy to help!

Raising Coral Costa Rica is a partner with Amigos of Costa Rica, a nonprofit organization that supports sustainable development in Costa Rica. You can donate to our organization through their website:
Donations are tax-deductible (both in the United States of America and Costa Rica).


You can transfer money directly to the following Costa Rican accounts:

Nombre: Asociación Raising Coral Costa Rica
Cédula jurídica: 3-002-781770

IBAN: CR69010200009414348054
Cuenta BAC: 941434805
SINPE móvil: 8630-8942

Dólares (Estados Unidos de América)
IBAN: CR79010200009414347971
Cuenta BAC: 941434797


We started a gofundme campaign to raise funds for a training program dedicated to teach local people on coral biology, restoration and tourism to offer sustainable livelihood alternatives. The people will become Coral Gardeners. Please visit our gofundme site here:


Thank you for your contribution!

Some examples of what
your donation will provide:


Deliver 20 copies of Lara Rios’s children’s book Los Corales Mágicos to children in public schools


Purchase supplies for planting a 100-coral reef patch


Pays for an underwater coral nursery structure.


Pays for a 3-day fragging expedition to the nursery, or a 3-day expedition to plant corals at a restoration site.


Pays for Scuba gear, training, and salary for a local assistant. 

$10.000 DONATION

Become a Signature Donor for a local field station and marine education center in Golfo Dulce.